Sunday, January 20, 2008

Getting to know Longview...

Well, I spent most of Friday getting to know the town of Longview, Washington. Since my car is still in Jackson, Tennessee, it wasn't much help to me. So, I got to know the bus system around here. I have to say that it is much nicer than the one I left in Jackson! Here is a picture of what my view is like from the bus stop...

That is Ocean Beach Highway...we didn't have any roads with names like that in Jackson...we were landlocked. notice the sky in the picture...that's right, you can't see it. That is what it has looked like since I got here. I think I will be missing the sun really soon! Here is Jasmine waiting patiently in her carrier...

She likes being in her carrier when she chooses to go in there on her own...but when I make her go in there she worries. Since she spent an entire day on Wednesday in there, I don't blame her.

Well, that's all for now...a post about my cousin's baby shower is coming soon.

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