I had started this post the other day and it seems appropriate to finish it and post it.
Sometimes I need reminders of the things that I have been given, reminders that I have them and reminders that I could be without them. If that makes sense to anyone else, then wonderful! I need reminders to choose a good attitude about whatever situation I am in. It doesn't come naturally for me, does it for you?
We can get discouraged about our situation, no jobs yet, plenty of bills waiting to be paid. But then we remember the past and all the times that we have been in similar situations and we know that it will be taken care of.
We get discouraged when the water bill comes in, and then remember that many people have to struggle for clean water. Ours comes right out of the faucet every day, clean and constant.
We get discouraged when we find our friends and loved ones in heartbreaking situations. Marriages are shaky, children are sick. But we know that God is faithful to carry out his plan in each of their lives. That he doesn't give us more than we can handle and he gives us everything we need in every situation.
We get discouraged when we go to unfamiliar churches and we don't know anyone, or any of the songs or inside jokes. But we are encouraged by His Word, by gathering with believers that we would otherwise have no reason to meet, by hearing proclamations of his truth and truth about Christ.
We get discouraged when we look at the clock and it is three in the morning, we can't sleep. Then we are encouraged by the fact that we can use this time to communicate with loves ones in other time zones. We can study and we have the ability to do so.
We get discourage when we try to find an honest mechanic in a new town, then are encouraged that we have a vehicle to drive and it gets us from place to place.
In the end, we are encouraged by these things that challenge us, we believe that God is teaching us and growing us for situations far more difficult than this.
Philippian 4:11-13 Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
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