Ok so, I think this stretch of no-
bloggage has lasted longer than any other! It's not my fault though...blogging requires
internet...which I have not had. So, it is the
internet's fault. At any rate, I am going to try to do better...since we are supposed to have
internet starting Thursday. When that happens I will post a bunch of new pictures because lots of things have been going on.
1. Honeymoon...we have some great pictures from the beach...and our favorite restaurant there, which is really why we like it there so much.
2. We moved...pictures of the new house are soon to come. The owner came today and finally finished painting the exterior of the house..
3. We had family in town...the 4
th was a fun one this year...and although we didn't get pictures, we watched the best fireworks show ever from our rooftop.
4. We had our wedding reception...LOTS of pictures will be provided for this update!
5. We have some favorite
chillin' spots here in the great northwest that we would love to brag about via blog...and now that we have a
digi camera...we will be posting mob pictures of the beautiful state we live in!
6. Youth group craziness. We are teaching the 10
th and 11
th grade
sunday school...very fun. And have had the pleasure of getting to be part of many youth events over the last couple months...again, pictures to follow.
SOoooooo, if anyone still reads this very neglected blog...it is about to get a lot more interesting then it has been for the last few months!!! Promise!!